Hero banner: An example of the TFI Live App. Picture by: NTA

M1 Fundamentals of User Experience Design

TFI Live app

Anna Agliardi
7 min readNov 10, 2023


According to the NTA (National Transport Authority), the forecasted number of passengers that will be using public transport in Dublin is expected to reach 121 million in 2022 (1). This increase in demand for public services is due to the increase in population (2).

The TFI Live App is the only app available for users to access real-time departure and journey planning information across the Transport for Ireland (TFI) network.

Our collaborative effort, undertaken by the Neptune Group, consisting of Anna Agliardi, Jodie McGrane, and Leonardo Dos Santos, is dedicated to improving the functionality of the app.

Figure 1: An example of the TFI Live App. Picture by: NTA

Design Thinking method

Our research was conducted using the design thinking method. In this iterative technique, the users occupy a central role in the processes, serving as the foundation for identifying problems and testing potential solutions. (3)

Figure 2: Design thinking method by the Interaction Design Foundation


Heuristic Evaluations

In our pursuit of identifying usability challenges early in the design process and optimising time and resources, we conducted a heuristic evaluation. This method uses ten principal design guidelines developed by Nielsen and Molich in the 1990s to understand how users feel, think, and interact with a product (5).

To categorise and prioritise usability challenges based on their impact on users, the NNG Severity Ratings scale was used as a rating scale system (6). It is important to note that this is not a scientific process but rather based on personal judgements and intuition.

Read more: Departure page Heuristic Evaluation

Figure 3: Example of the Heuristic Evaluation and NNG Severity Ratings scale

Desk Research — Online Reviews

Due to time constraints, we could not conduct user interviews to acquire genuine user feedback. Alternatively, we analysed the TFI Live reviews on platforms including Google Play and the App Store. This approach enabled us to acquire real-world impressions and foster empathy with our target audience.

Figure 4: User reviews available in the App Store and Google Play

Competitor analysis

In order to identify and understand how other competitors address the similar challenges in public transport navigation (5), we compare the TFI Live app with three mobile apps: the Jelbi app for public transport in Berlin, Wien Mobil for public transportation in Vienna, and Google Maps.

Figure 5: Competitor Analysis — The three examined applications

Proto-persona & Scenario

Personas are imaginary characters designed to understand the target market and establish what users expect from the product. In order to reflect the diverse expectations of our various targets, we have developed three distinct user proto-personas, grounded in different backgrounds, ages, and abilities.

Figure 6: Proto personas

Once we identify their goals and needs, we can establish a scenario to describe a detailed situation about their interaction with the product, with a specific focus on their pain points. (9)

Figure 7: Proto Persona Colette Moreau and the user scenario

Empathy map, User need statement & User Journey Map

To increase empathy with our users, we applied three design thinking methods to our research:

- Empathy maps are used to understand the user’s needs through their “words and thinking”.

- Journey map: used to understand how users interact with the product by categorising their actions into different phases.

- Users need statements and a storyboard journey to focus on specific uncovered needs and problem-solving aspects.

Figure 7: Examples of Empathy map, User journey map, User needs statement and Storyboard journey

Read more: Colette Moreau, empathy journey

Define and Ideate

After completing the empathy study, we moved on to the ideation phase, where we sketched various designs on multiple devices.

Figure 8: Sketch of journey planner — select a destination
Figure 9: Sketch of mobile payment

User flow diagrams

Using a user flow diagram, a visual representation illustrating the path a user follows when interacting with an application’s onboarding and journey planner, enabled the identification of potential points of confusion and bottlenecks (10) in the TFI Live app.

Figure 10: Reviewed User flow diagrams V2 — To be


Prototype is the phase of design thinking where we can begin to test our ideas and implement possible concrete solutions.

1st Paper prototype

We sketched a paper prototype of our mobile app to conceptualise our solution with low fidelity and determine the appearance of our final product. (11)

Read more: 1st paper prototype

Figure 11: First paper prototype iteration

2nd Paper prototype

Inspired by a thread on X (formerly Twitter), we gained fresh insights that led to the redesign of the onboarding process into an active walkthrough. This method was implemented to guide users through the applications (apps) and familiarise them with the functionality of the user journey planner.

Figure 12: Feedback on X
Figure 13: Onboarding walkthrough example

Read more: 2nd paper prototype


Usability test

To validate the efficacy of our design solutions, usability tests were conducted. After the creation of a digital paper prototype in Figma, we prepared a script divided into three phases:


1. Background questions aim to identify our target audience and understand their habits

2. Task scripts designed to test our design and identify usability errors

3. Final user feedback

Five participants were interviewed to identify the most common usability challenges. The data collected was analysed, and the NNG Severity Rating for Usability Problem scale metrics were used to rate the severity of usability challenges.

Read more: Test scriptFigma prototypeFigma project

Figure 14: Test demo

Data analysis and problem-solving

The data were summarised in a spreadsheet and categorised by task into four distinct categories. The NNG Severity Rating for Usability Problems, served as a reference scale for rating severity and prioritising identified usability challenges.

Read more: Usability Test Evaluation

Figure 15: Usability test evaluation


From the data analysis, the main design issues were observed in the iconography. Several participants needed help in identifying bus stops and anticipating the arrival of the next bus. Feedback must be included in communicating the actual status of the bus journey. To address this, users can monitor the status of the bus through a different-coloured chip.

Read More: Final iteration

Figure 15: Paper prototype — Examples of the final iteration

Next Steps

The following phase of the iteration will be:

  • Conducting another usability test with the new prototype.
  • Analysing the data and designing a mid-fidelity prototype and redo the test.


The TFI Live app has several technical challenges, making it challenging to determine which app pages need to be worked on. I realised that empathising with users is a crucial step in starting the project, and referring to personas proved valuable when making some design decisions, particularly those related to accessibility. In future endeavours, a higher emphasis will be placed on accessibility, as we lost this principle during the ideation phase.

Our group demonstrated effective collaboration by combining our diverse backgrounds, managing our time and tasks, and collaborating on all project components through biweekly meetings.

Read more: PM Time tracker.



(1) Proinsias Collins. 2023. Bus Passenger Numbers return to pre-pandemic levels- NTA. National Transport. Retrieved November 9, 2023 from https://www.nationaltransport.ie/news/bus-passenger-numbers-return-to-pre-pandemic-levels-nla/

(2) Author. 2022. Population of Dublin increases by over 100,000 according to Census. Dublin Live. Retrieved November 9, 2023 from https://www.dublinlive.ie/news/dublin-news/census-2022-population-dublin-increases-24308521

(3) Interaction Design Foundation — IxDF. (2016, May 25). What is Design Thinking? Interaction Design Foundation — IxDF. https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/topics/design-thinking

(4) Euphemia Wong. 2022. Heuristic Evaluation: How to Conduct a Heuristic Evaluation Retrieved November 9, 2023 from https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/heuristic-evaluation-how-to-conduct-a-heuristic-evaluation

(5) World Leaders in Research-Based User Experience. Severity Ratings for Usability Problems: Article by Jakob Nielsen. Nielsen Norman Group. Retrieved November 7, 2023 from https://www.nngroup.com/articles/how-to-rate-the-severity-of-usability-problems/

(6) World Leaders in Research-Based User Experience. 10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design. Nielsen Norman Group. Retrieved November 7, 2023 from https://www.nngroup.com/articles/ten-usability-heuristics/

(7) Andreas Komninos. 2019. Why You Should Analyze Your Competition to Design Better Solutions and How to Do It Retrieved November 7, 2023 from https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/why-you-should-analyze-your-competition-to-design-better-solutions-and-how-to-do-it

(8) World Leaders in Research-Based User Experience. Proto Personas (Video). Nielsen Norman Group. Retrieved November 7, 2023 from https://www.nngroup.com/videos/proto-personas/

(9) 2023. What are User Scenarios? — updated 2023. The Interaction Design Foundation. Retrieved November 7, 2023 from https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/topics/user-scenarios

(10) Retrieved from https://business.adobe.com/blog/basics/how-to-make-a-user-flow-diagram

(11) Design Thinking Stage 4: Your Complete Guide to Prototyping. CareerFoundry. Retrieved November 8, 2023 from https://careerfoundry.com/en/blog/ux-design/design-thinking-stage-four-prototyping/

(12) World Leaders in Research-Based User Experience. Usability Testing 101. Nielsen Norman Group. Retrieved November 8, 2023 from https://www.nngroup.com/articles/usability-testing-101/

(13) World Leaders in Research-Based User Experience. Why You Only Need to Test with 5 Users. Nielsen Norman Group. Retrieved November 8, 2023 from https://www.nngroup.com/articles/why-you-only-need-to-test-with-5-users/





Anna Agliardi
Anna Agliardi

Written by Anna Agliardi

Ux designer, photographer and art passionate. I am an observer, listener and problem solver, fascinated by human behaviour.

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